Great links about how you can have a positive impact on the environment:

Marine Life in Florida Information and a discussion of ocean and marine wildlife conservation

The Dangers Plastic Pollution causes Marine Life

How to Build an Eco-Friendly House

How to Start Your First Garden
The Essential Guide to Eco-Friendly Travel
Water Conservation in the Bathroom
4 Easy, Affordable Ideas for Creating a Water-Friendly Yard
Organic Gardening for Beginners
The Least Eco-Friendly Things You Can Buy at the Grocery Store
How to Approach Household Cleaning in an Eco-Friendly Way
15 Eco-Friendly Food Swaps You Need to Make Now

Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change

Some outstanding books and articles about plastic, its origins, its uses and its effects.


Two pictures of the trash on the beach in Ghana from AdriAnne



You haven't enjoyed a drink until you've drunk it with a glass straw!

When I heard how much plastic enters the oceans every day, I took a look at my plastic consumption, and overall consumption, as well.

We must CONSUME LESS, be it energy, plastic, natural resources, gasoline, or just about anything else.

Americans make up 5% of world population but consume dramatically higher percentages of oil and other natural resources, than any other country.

We can all reduce our consumption in some way.

In order to reduce my consumption and reduce the waste I produce, I always tell my bartender, or server, that I do not want a straw for my drink or my water.

So many drinks are ALWAYS served with straws; soda pop, water, mixed drinks, smoothies, milkshakes, and every one merits a straw,
(mixed drinks often come with two, or three stir straws, which, frequently serve no purpose whatsoever).

Every bar and restaurant that does a good business may create hundreds or thousands of plastic pieces every single day. That's A LOT of plastic.

If I am drinking something that requires a straw, I carry a glass straw with me.

I wonder how many straws I've used in my life? Most likely many hundreds, if not thousands. My personal glass straw is the only one I need for the rest of my life.

Won't you please join me in my quest to REJECT PLASTIC and CONSUME LESS?



Here are some ways you too can CONSUME LESS! It's painless and inexpensive.







Please share your good and bad experiences involving plastic with us.